Creating Potential

Creating Potential

I recently took a group of people for the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries to Damanhur, Italy.  Damanhur is an intentional eco-society that was founded over 40 years ago.  The UN has designated Damanhur as a model for a sustainable society.  This was my third time there and yet, I was in awe of the Beauty and possibility that Damanhur presents.


One of the highlights of Damanhur is the Temples of Humankind.  These Temples were hand dug from the inside of a mountain and feature exquisite artwork, all created with intention.  I have been in these Temples many times and return to them in my dreams and journeys.  And yet, I started crying when I first stepped into them on this trip.  I cried because it was a sort of homecoming and because I was experiencing the potential of humanity.

Throughout the trip, our group kept asking “How?”  How did the people of Damanhur create such an incredible place.  For sure it seemed impossible, even one of the Temples seemed like an enormous fete; and yet, they did it.  They believed in a common vision and purpose and focused on bringing this into form.  Of course, they also worked (and continue to work) many hours, dedicating their efforts to this.  And they worked with the Nature Spirits and Unseen to assist their efforts.  They were able to create the impossible because they believed it was possible.  

Of course the same is true for us.  We are all creators.  Our bodies create themselves every day.  Our thoughts and beliefs create our experiences.  As Elizabeth Gilbert says, “If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.”  The question is, “What are we creating?” 

During my time in Damanhur, I was reminded of a few tips in creating.  It is important to:

  • Work as a community.  When we come together with a single vision or purpose, we are able to create more than what we do separately.  Working in community can seemingly have its challenges.  Gazza, an ambassador for Damanhur, says that “Social alchemy is the highest level of alchemy.”  For it is through a group that we recognize (and hopefully release) our dross and embrace our gold.  Damanhurians have helped this situation by taking an oath to actively be the best that they can be and to encourage and support one another to be their best.

  • Be in alignment with the Nature Spirits and Unseen forces.  When we do this, we work with creation.  It is like going with the flow of a river rather than paddling upstream (or sometimes, trying to climb a waterfall).  At Damanhur, they regularly renew their commitment to working with the Nature Spirits and they take communication with the Unseen very seriously.  From my own experience, I know that when I am in alignment, often huge tasks happen with very little effort.  

  • Focus on the task in front of you.  Sometimes it gets overwhelming when we look at what lies ahead and think that we know everything that needs to be done.  Overwhelm easily turns into hopelessness and hopelessness does not get things done.  I was reminded today that as challenging as it is to give birth, we do not give birth to full grown humans.  We start small.  People who were in Damanhur in the beginning would tell you that they did not set out to create the many Halls of the Temples of Humankind or even the Sacred Woods or the Open Temples. They started with one rather small room in the mountain and were amazed that they were able to complete this.

  • Take action.  Often, we put our ideas on hold waiting for the right time or right skills.  At Damanhur, they did not start as artists.  They continually worked and experimented until they created something amazing.  They still experiment.  Sometimes these experiments fall apart, but they help in the learning and growth.   

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Being in Damanhur this time was a vacation for my Heart and Soul.  It was a break from the limiting beliefs that are infused in our culture.  As well as, a break from the discord.  As I mentioned, in Damanhur everyone is focused on being their best.  This does not come from morality or righteousness.  It is that they want to learn and grow and be who they are meant to be.  They focus on the vision of a better world, a world where we are again in alignment with the Trees and Nature Spirits.  I know how important it is to release limiting beliefs and focus on the solution.  I do this daily and help my clients and students to do this.  And yet, when you are surrounded by a culture that supports this, an enormous amount of energy is freed up and suddenly, you are able to create the impossible or I would say the potential.

I know that there are many challenges facing humanity.  I know that one’s Heart could break a thousand times a day.  I know that it can be very seductive and easy to be taken under by the tide of hopelessness.  And yet, I look at Damanhur.  And I look to the Dandelions sprouting out in the cracks of the macadam.  Or the Redwoods who continue to grow even though they’ve been hollowed out by fire.  And I think, “We are here!”  As long as we are here, there is still hope.  There is potential.

I return to the question, “What are we creating?”  

I commit to being the very best that I can be, which means focusing on my healing and growth, while also sharing my gifts.  I commit to support and celebrate any of you who are committed to being your best and working for the highest good of all.  I commit to being in alignment with Nature.  I commit to bringing into form the vision of a world where the Sacred in everything is recognized and where humans live in harmony with All of life (including one another).  I commit to Love, to acting with Love, being Love, and sharing Love. This is what I want to create.  And my small step is to create a rain garden at Heart Springs Sanctuary to help heal some of the trauma that the Land holds, raise the vibration of the Land, and to protect the Waters.

Now that we’ve moved into the quiet part of the year (for the Northern Hemisphere), it is a good time to dream, release limiting beliefs, and to focus on what we want to create.  I ask you, what are you creating?  

I encourage you to share your commitments, visions, actions, creations with others.  Allowing them to be witnessed adds energy and encourages others.  Please feel free to share with me: email me, post on FB, add a comment on the blog.  I Love witnessing people’s dreams!! If you want to make or renew a commitment to the Nature Spirits, I suggest you share this with them.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ~ Arundhati Roy

With much Love, I wish you many blessings as you dream and create!