Extraordinary Times

Hello all!

I have been asked to share my thoughts and guidance regarding this very interesting time we are experiencing, which I am doing here.  I also have several offerings to help during the pandemic.  If you are feeling overwhelmed by the available information, please scroll down to the offerings.

What an extraordinary time we are living in.  Many of us have known that we would experience great change and for sure, Nature has been trying to get our attention.  However, I know that I did not expect the change to be like this.  But that’s just it, when we ignore the guidance and the signs, we get overwhelmed and surprised.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that the change and our experience is bad.  This is an incredible opportunity.  Things that felt impossible are suddenly happening, the invisible (including the low paid workforce who has been ignored) is becoming visible, our weaknesses are being shown, and from these shifts we can create a more beautiful world.  So let’s explore some of the issues that are surfacing.

As humans, we often think it is our role to caretake Nature and help her “heal”.  We get so caught up in this illusion, which you could call an ego trip, that we forget some basic knowledge:  Nature is a great balancer.  That is one of her skills.  If we would leave her alone (even a small part of her), she would naturally recover and often at astonishing rates.  Unfortunately, some of her balancing tactics (fires, tornados, hurricanes, viruses…) are not enjoyable to humans.  When we abuse Nature, we push her balancing tactics to the extreme.  We can help to lessen the severity of these, by listening to Nature and working as a partner (or a co-creative partner) to help bring healing to the Earth and ourselves. 

Nature has experienced major Earth changes before.  This is why it is imperative that we learn to communicate with the Nature Beings.  They offer us much guidance.  One lesson from Nature is the importance of being flexible and going with the flow.  The more we try to hold on (including to our old ways), the more we get battered.  When we can adapt and change with fluidity, we have a greater chance of not only surviving but thriving.  One of the best things we can do now is to spend time in Nature.  Yes walking and being active is lovely and helpful AND be sure to spend quiet time in Nature.  Even very young children can do this, they love to observe and explore.  As we sit with Nature, our bodies relax and re-center.  Nature is communicating with you even if you cannot hear her.  Though you might glean some new inspiration.  If you are unable to go outside, a potted Plant, a good view (especially from a Southeast window), or listening to the Music of the Plants are decent substitutes that can be quite helpful. 

When we work co-creatively with Nature, we open a whole new world of possibilities, beyond our imaginations.  Nature is showing us how easily we can change and move into alignment with her.  For many of us, we are in a great pause.  From this, we can decide the way forward. 

It is helpful to remember that viruses have existed on Earth before humans.  We have evolved and continue to evolve with them.  Illness has an important role in our lives, often helping us to release what no longer serves us, to reevaluate our priorities, and helping us to evolve or awaken.  (I have written more on this in my blog. )  What keeps coming to me now is that this is an enormous opportunity.  Please know that I do not in any way want to diminish the severity of the illness.  I know ki is deadly and there are very serious economic impacts.  And I also know that often we do not change unless we are backed up against the wall.  I tell my students that Nature whispers to us, but most of us will ignore this until the voice becomes a 2x4.  We are way past that, right now it feels as if we are being hit by a wrecking ball.  The question is, are we going to listen?

As viruses help us to evolve and illness is our body’s way of getting our attention, we would be wise to pause and reflect.  Fortunately, for many of us, we are being asked to isolate and slow down.  Suddenly slowing down and isolating can be difficult because we no longer have the distractions and busyness that have kept us numb and moving along.  We are being forced to feel/hear our feelings (as well as others’). We, of course, can still numb out or distract in our isolation.  For myself, I keep wanting to numb by watching something.  However, I am repeatedly told that I need to stay awake and observe, so this is what I am doing.  As I do, my urge to numb is decreasing.  Please know that we may need to distract at times to give ourselves a break and that is fine.  However, as much as possible, it is best if we can sit with what presents and feel our feelings (without judgment).

As we do this, our isolation can transform into an important healing experience.  After all, isolation is an integral part of initiations.  As a society, we have lost most (or all) of our initiations, which can make this situation feel weird and scary.  An initiation is meant to create a change.  We experience them knowing that we will be different at the end.  An important part of every initiation is when you think you will die or not survive.  This is often compared to the caterpillar dissolving in the cocoon.  This stage is absolutely necessary to allow the old beliefs and world views to dissolve and the new to form.  In a way, it is a rebirth.  

Ceremony is an important part of the initiation process.  We engage with the unseen world through ceremony which can bring meaning to our experiences, provide guidance or healing, and help us show our appreciation for the many gifts of life.  If you are feeling overwhelmed or lost, turning to ceremony can help, even simple ceremonies such as making tea or praying before eating.  The Organization of Nature Evolutionaries has many resources for simple (and  yet powerful) ceremonies on their website.  (The picture above is from their Seed Ceremony we held here (in isolation) this weekend.)    

It has not been lost on me that this virus affects the lungs. While in Ceremony this past weekend, I was shown an image of the Amazon burning and was told that I need to remember that the lungs of the Earth were on fire.  We need to understand that whatever we do to the Earth, we are doing to ourselves.  This is not a metaphor.  The other side of this is that when we treat the Earth with Love and respect, we also experience this.  One of the great benefits of the worldwide isolation is the reduction in air pollution.  It seems the Earth is taking a great big in-breath.

Also, the lungs are the organs that tend to hold grief.  As a collective we have been ignoring our grief.  This can be demonstrated by the amount of mental illness (including depression) and drug use/abuse in our culture.  Many have offered that the ultimate root of these is our disconnect from Nature (including one another).  Though I think there is even more to this, because humanity has caused atrocious acts towards Nature and towards one another.  As this virus is demonstrating, we are more connected than we realize.  When harm is done to someone (be they human or another aspect of Nature), we all feel this on some level.  We continue to feel the affects of genocide, slavery, the Holocaust, deforestation, damming of Rivers, war, the reduction of Birds, and more.  We cannot heal from these, until we acknowledge the effects including the heartbreaking grief and then allow ourselves to express our grief.  

There is a collective fear around grief.  We are afraid that if we succumb to it or acknowledge it we will never emerge from under the weight of grief.  Actually, we are held captive to grief only when we refuse to acknowledge and express it.  Emotions need to move, so when we can name them and feel them, we allow them to move through us, which is empowering, healing, and freeing.  If you are feeling bogged down by an emotion or stuck (particularly if you are spinning out on fear for the future), it can be helpful to bring your attention to the present.  I like to ask myself “What are my hands doing?” Or “Where are my feet?”   

There is the great potential for something really beautiful to come from our collective experience of the pandemic.  I have long been told that the next evolution for humanity would be collective.  In, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, Charles Eisenstein writes, “The most direct way to disrupt the Story of Separation at its foundation is to give someone an experience of non separation.”  It appears that we are having a pretty profound experience of non separation.  

Here we are self isolating/initiating in enormous numbers, recognizing our interconnection, slowing down and reconnecting with Nature.  We are being asked to be creative and resourceful and to think of the well being of others.  How will we be changed when we emerge?  What will our world look like? The choice is really ours, how do we want to be?  What is important to us?

I think that these are good questions to be asking ourselves.  We do not need to have concrete answers or know the way forward.  The truth is that we are in the midst of enormous change.  My experience has been that when everything is swirling around you, it is best to try to stay grounded and present.  Yes, visualize.  Yes, dream.  Yes, feel.  Yes, create.  Yes, listen.  Yes, release.  Yes, connect.  Yes, love.  And wait and rest and take really good care of yourself.  Then when the waters clear, you (we) have the information that can best inform our first steps forward.

I keep thinking of Valarie Kaur and her message that we are in labor and this is the time to breathe so that we can be ready to push.  Which brings me to this quote by her, “Love is more than a feeling, it is sweet labor.  When we love even in times of crisis, we can transform relationships, our country, and our future.  Love becomes revolutionary.”  Are we not in a time of revolutionary Love?  We are discovering exactly what and who is important to us.  Our lives are reprioritizing.  May we remember this flame of Love during the moments of darkness.  And may this Love transform us as we emerge.  

I understand the desire to hoard and to react with fear.  I think that it is important to recognize this tendency and to hold it gently with Love.  The hoarding reaction comes from our individualistic mindset based on “not enough” and “separate from”.  As Nature has been trying to tell us, this mindset is not the truth. We are all connected and Nature is based on abundance.  It is not about survival of the fittest.  It never was, that was a myth.  As Bruce Lipton writes “… the real evolutionary principle is ‘thrival of the fittingest.’  Those organisms that best fit the environment by contributing and supporting global harmony get to thrive…” (Spontaneous Evolution)  Of course, for when we look at Nature, we see that cooperation is at the very foundation of survival.  It is time that we evolve to remember the collective, which then calls for generosity.  If we truly want to thrive, we need to support one another.

It is from this, that I present my offerings:

  • As we slow down and move into this place of initiation, it is possible that old wounds or traumas may surface.  You may feel the need for support.  I am opening my calendar to offer more consultations.  On top of this, if you are economically affected by the pandemic, I am offering delayed payment and/or pay want you can.

  • I find that listening to the Plants play the Music of the Plants device helps me to calm and move into my Heart center.  This is almost as good as spending quiet time in Nature.  Therefore, I am offering a $50 discount on the Bamboo M devices until April 15th.  The code is NATURE (limit 1 discount per customer).

    If you would like to hear the Plants sing, I have several videos on my youtube channel or you can listen to the Music of the Plants CD and channel on SoundCloud. (These are just a beginning.)

  • The following is a list of Plant Allies which have been coming forward to help with the pandemic.  This list is by no means exhaustive, nor does it imply that you need any or all of these to help.  I feel that it is best to work with those Allies which speak to you personally.  These are simply some suggestions.  Also, I hope that it goes without saying, these are not meant to replace medicines or a doctor’s advice.  While some of these Plants may be suggested by others as herbal remedies to help with the virus, they have come to me as emotional/spiritual support during this time.  

    Overall, these Essences help support through grief; ground and center us; support the Heart; and give us courage.

    Unless noted otherwise, Brigid’s Way has these Allies available in a Spirit Essence form, though they may not be listed on our website.  For those of you who have been economically affected by this, we are offering these Essences on a donation basis.  If you would like any of the Brigid’s Way Essences, please email jen@brigidsway.com with the names of the Essences as well as your shipping info.  If you are able to make a donation for the Essences, you can send this via PayPal to jen@brigidsway.com.  Our Spirit Essences are $12 per 1/2 ounce bottle.  Shipping is usually $3.50 - 5 dollars for 1 - 3 Essences.  To learn more about Brigid's Way Essences, click here. 

Balanced Beach: This Environmental Essence is harvested from a beach of black lava and white coral. It balances Fire and Water, and lends courage to face and move beyond fears. For those who are always doing, it allows you to sit and “be.” Brings Peace to the Heart, increases one’s Light and vibratory rate, and relaxes the body.

Black Oak: Black Oak feels like a loving Grandfather energy.  Helps you to feel safe and held, while also feeling strong and grounded.

Borage:  The key phrase is Borage is for courage.  Borage helps us to keep going and to truly step into our power.

Cacao:  Cacao opens our Hearts and helps us to experience the world through this Heart place.  Ki releases and dissolves pains and wounds held in the body, particularly in the female breasts and male genitals. 

Calliandra: Calliandra allows you to focus on your Heart’s desires while tuning out the distractions.  Fills with peace and cleans your aura, reminding of your Divine Soul Path.

Dandelion: Dandelion Spirit Essence has many gifts.  For this situation, the one that seems the most important is tenacity.  Dandelion helps you to keep going and shining even when it feels that all is lost.

Eastern Hemlock:  Eastern Hemlock helps us to navigate change with grace and ease. 

Elderberry: This is a unique Spirit Essence of Elderberry which supports one as they experience and move through grief, helping to find the beauty beyond grief.

Elderberry Sun:  This Elder Essence helps to bring Light to a situation.  Elder helps to open our chest, breathe with ease, and recognize the generosity that abounds.  Elder also supports the 1st chakra and is a great Essence for Shamanic journeying and connecting with the Ancestors.

Elecampane: Elecampane supports us through grief and helps to release held sadness and grief.  Ki helps us to find the Light again and emerge more whole.

Ensparkalation: Ensparkalation is a Spirit Essence made with bioluminescent dinoflagellates in Bio Bay, Vieques (Puerto Rico).  Ensparkalation fills with and increases one’s Light, strengthens your connection to Light.  This is a wonderful journey essence that can take you into your evolution as well as help bring back gifts and understanding from other lives.  Also helps with deep healing.  Helps one lighten.

Mimosa: Mimosa helps to bring happiness and light heartedness.  Ki is particularly helpful in releasing grief and sadness and finding joy.

Motherwort: Motherwort Spirit Essence helps to balance and align masculine and feminine energies.  Motherwort is a great protector Plant, think Mother Bear energy.  Motherwort excels at helping us with boundaries, particularly great for empaths or those who are used to being taken advantage of, ki offers courage for saying what needs to be said, especially “No.”   Being called “Lion Hearted”, Motherwort offers Heart support and is wonderful for any time you want your Mother’s arms around you or your loving arms around your children.

Onion: Onion helps to express sadness and supports through grief.  (Delta Gardens)

Rescue Remedy: Rescue Remedy is a fabulous combination that helps with stress, trauma, and anxiety.  (Bach Flower Remedies)

Rudraksha: Lends peace and clarity, and enables you to feel held and safe. This Essence is a guide for Humanity, connecting the First Eye (6th) and Heart (4th) chakras and helping us all live Heart-centered lives. It grounds clairvoyance through the Heart, and is an excellent journey Essence for when you are feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.

Singing Heart/Singing Heart Plus: Singing Heart and Singing Heart Plus helps us align with the energy of Love, remembering we are Love and we are Loved.  This helps us find Love everywhere, including places we would never expect.  Singing Heart Plus has the addition of Rose Quartz.

Sweet Gum: This Tree practically screamed at me as I was thinking about Essences to help.  Interestingly, ki’s seeds remind me of the shape of the Virus.  Sweet Gum helps us to ground.  Ki is a great ally after trauma (even long ago trauma), particularly experiences that caused heartbreak and separation.  Sweet Gum helps the body(bodies) to come back together.

Tulsi: Tulsi brings Peace and calm, helps the body to relax, while supporting the Heart. Tulsi helps connect your Heart with the Holy Heart. Provides support for doing Soul work. 

White Pine:  White Pine is the Tree of Peace.  White Pine helps us center and ground and move into that place of connection with the Above and Below.  From this place we can feel our true power and strength.  White Pine helps us to calm and breathe.

Delta Gardens is offering a Wellness Set specifically to help reinforce the energy system and support feelings of calm during unsettled times

  • We have postponed the Advanced HEARTransformation until June.  The dates for this are now: 

    June 26 - 29
    September 4 - 7
    October 23 - 26

  • We are still hoping to begin the HEARTransformation Apprenticeship in May.  However, we do have a back-up plan if needed, which also includes postponing until June and continuing into November.  For both of the Apprenticeship programs, we are offering extended payment plans.

If there is another way in which I can help, please let me know. Remember, the Plants are there if you need them.

With so much Love,
Jen Frey