Four Allies to Help Us Face Big Challenges: We Can Do This!

Over the years of having my healing practice, I noticed that sometimes a pattern emerges with my clients.  For example, suddenly everyone seems to need a particular Essence or they all are experiencing grief.  These moments remind me that we are connected more than we realize and while we like to think of ourselves as individuals, we are actually part of a collective and are influenced by forces we tend to ignore.


Over the last several weeks, I’ve noticed a pattern among my clients, myself, and my loved ones of being presented with big healing opportunities, I mean BIG, like a long-ingrained, unconscious pattern that has shaped our lives comes to the surface or something that we’ve been ignoring comes forward in a grand way or our greatest fear comes true.  The result of which is destabilization, which can be extreme, to the point that we can start questioning who we are and what we consider to be true.


My philosophy is that in general, healing is fun and enjoyable.  It doesn’t need to be drama-filled or painful.  Sure, we can feel uncomfortable or scared, but the Plants and Essences are there to help us navigate through it.  So, when I started noticing that not just one person but many people were having their worlds turned upside down and their foundations rocked, I got curious because I knew there was something happening in the collective.


When in doubt, I turn to Nature.  What did I see as I looked to Earth?  Extremes.  Extreme flooding, extreme Forest fires, extreme heat and not just in one place but around the world.  Suddenly everything started to make sense.  These healing opportunities which can look and feel like crises, are invitations to stand in the truth of our Being. 


We know that climate change is affecting Earth’s homeostasis.  Therefore, the Earth has to create shifts to try to return to balance, just like our bodies create fevers or illnesses when we go out of balance.  We are fundamentally connected to all of Nature.  It is becoming more and more challenging to be able to believe in the illusion of separation. 


What happens to Earth, happens to us.  What happens to us, happens to Earth, as well as one another.  So just as the other Earth ecosystems are being challenged, so are we.


The choice is ours.  Are we going to heal these wounds and patterns so that we can create a healthier, more loving world?  Are we going to be who we are meant to be?


I am blessed to witness a number of people facing their deepest wounds and nightmares and saying I don’t want to continue like this, I am so much more than this.  We are so much more than this.  We do not need to be a destructive force on Earth.  We are creators who are capable of so much Love.  We simply need to believe in ourselves and do the hard work (or play) of overcoming these illusions.  I promise you that the more we do this, the better life becomes.


And of course, we are never doing this work alone.  As the Plants continually remind me, we are loved and supported more than we ever realize.


If you are wanting support, I invite you to ask the Plants for someone to guide you through this healing, this transition.  Then pay attention to who is showing up.  It is possible that a Plant is already attracting your attention.  Or after you ask for help, perhaps a Plant pops into your mind or starts appearing in your life.  If so, then this is a good Ally for this time.  Spend time with ki, perhaps work with ki’s Essence, or simply call on them when you need help.


Allies for Challenging Times


As I write this newsletter, the list of supportive Allies continues to grow.  The truth is that there are so many Plants who can help us through the challenges and re-member who we are and why we are here.  Below are four Allies who are particularly suited to supporting us through these BIG healing opportunities.


The first ally is Rose.  Rose is an incredible supporter for when our Hearts are breaking, when we feel like we can’t go on anymore, when we discover something about ourselves that we are ashamed of or frightened of, when our worst fear comes forward, or when we do not feel loved or worthy of Love.  Rose helps to give us strength, encourages us to put one foot in front of the other, but also to feel what we need to feel, knowing that we won’t be consumed by our emotions.  Rose reminds us that despite all the hardships of life, we are still here, we will survive.  And most importantly, Rose showers us with Love, reminding us that we are and have always been worthy of Love.  There is nothing that we can do which would make us unlovable.


When I’m really struggling, I work with Rose in all ways and anyway that I can I find ki.  In other words, I take her Essence, I drink Rose tea, I spritz myself with Rosewater, I ingest Rose glycerite, I spend time with a Rose Plant, I call on Rose Plant Spirit, I journey with ki, I add Roses to my bath and more.


Another Ally who is offering assistance at the moment is Dandelion.  Dandelion helps us to remember our innate tenacity and resiliency.  Dandelion supports our third chakra, helping us to remember who we are, which is important when our foundation feels shaky.  Dandelion helps us to find our roots and trust.  Ki also encourages us to be playful and have fun, to take life less seriously.


Mugwort is another incredible Ally for these challenging times.  Mugwort excels at moving and clearing energy.  Often when we are faced with big healing opportunities, we want to grasp or tighten up.  When we do this, we cause energies to accumulate in our bodies.  Energy is meant to flow, when it becomes stagnant, it wreaks havoc and can overwhelm us resulting in anxiety or mental and physical illness.  Mugwort removes the excess energy, encourages us to let the energies flow, and reminds us of that part of us who is connected to Nature.  Mugwort encourages us to vision and dream a new way, a different way.


Black-Eyed Susan is another incredible Ally for these times.  Ki encourages us to shift our perspective, reminding us that we only see a small part of the world or a particular issue.  When we want to heal a formative wound, limiting belief, or ingrained pattern, it is helpful to look at the situation with new eyes.  These new perspectives help us to change the story of our life and the energetic impact of our experiences, providing deep healing.


If you would like to learn more about these incredible allies, I write about them in my book, Communicating with Plants: Heart-Based Practices for Connecting with Plant Spirits.


All Plants help us to tap into a broader vision.  As humans we tend to focus on a much shorter length of time than Plants do.  We forget that what we are experiencing now is not what we will experience next year or five years from now.  When we look at our lives with this longer view, our perspectives shift and often things seem less important and doable.


If you are not being faced with a large challenge at this time, I ask you to do your part for the collective and have fun, enjoy life, and of course, support your friends and family who are.


If you are being presented with a big healing opportunity, then I hope that you know you are not alone.  You are Love(d) and supported.  I thank you for being brave enough to heal and help create a better world.  Remember the healing that we do for ourselves, ripples out and affects all. 


Whatever you are experiencing, I send you my Love.  I believe that we can do what is necessary to create the world of our dreams.