Tea with the Faeries

Tea with the Faeries

I sit surrounded by
this invader who I’ve struggled with
who is slowing turning into a Beloved
as they patiently teach me many lessons
such as respecting your Ancestors

On this May morning
the Sun has returned
the Birds seem to sing with extra delight
as we recover from the April showers
which decided to fulfill their promise
in one long stretch 

The sky fills with the
dancing, twirling, Maple whirligigs
Tears stream down my face
Grateful to be a part of 
this stunning world

I see Dandelion wishy balls
protected by the chest high
The white lights
of Garlic Mustard
twinkle in the distance
I sip the beauty
I breathe the magic

I wonder why we choose
fear, hatred, or struggle
when everything we need
is here 
all is provided for
if we only remember
we are interconnected 

At that moment
Maple seed lands on my hand
with a plop
with a hope
looking for fertile ground
and found me

I tip my cup
to the Faeries
They sure know how
to put on a show

- Beltane 2023