Celebrating the Pause

Celebrating the Pause

One of the great gifts of humanity is curiosity. We can utilize this gift to get to know one another, listen to someone’s story or experiences and enjoy their glimpse of the multiverse. Connection, appreciation, and empathy lead us to the path of Love. This path of Love leads us back to community, to who we are meant to be, to our rightful place as part of Nature. This path of Love leads us to our beautiful future of thriving, together.

A New Opportunity

A New Opportunity

How do we process the challenges and incorporate the benefits? How do we remain true to what is in alignment with our Soul and our Heart’s desires? I wish I could give you the secret answer. The truth is this is different for each person and each situation. What I can offer is a message I received a few weeks ago.

A Better Future is Calling

A Better Future is Calling

We all have been given the incredible gift of being alive during this time of great change. We each have the capability and responsibility of creating this world that we know is possible, a world where all live is sacred and has the right to thrive. A world where we live in alignment with Nature. However, how can we create this if we do not know how to communicate with Nature?

Beyond the Overwhelm

Beyond the Overwhelm

I recently was experiencing overwhelm. I know that I’m not alone in this as I’ve heard about overwhelm from my clients, students, friends, and family. Perhaps you too have been feeling this. Overwhelm has been a presence in my life before, especially when I was younger; however the pandemic situation exacerbates it. Overwhelm is not a bad thing. It is a sign. Your body is trying to get your attention, helping you to remember to enjoy life. These are suggestions that I have found to be useful for myself and my clients for dealing with overwhelm.

In the Time of Compassion

In the Time of Compassion

As we celebrate Equinox/Mabon, my attention is focused on balance. I am grateful for the reminder as it feels like we need this more than ever. Then again, Nature always offers us solutions and reminders if we are willing to listen. For the last six months, when I have asked about the pandemic, I am told to focus on compassion, that compassion is the biggest lesson for us now. Compassion is active; it is cultivated. The truth is that it takes great courage to respond with compassion, to witness someone in their wounding, or to be willing to respond with Love when someone causes harm to you or others.

Extraordinary Times

Extraordinary Times

I have been asked to share my thoughts and guidance regarding this very interesting time we are experiencing, which I am doing here. I also have several offerings to help during the pandemic.

Choose Love for Change

Choose Love for Change

Worldwide the shifts can no longer be ignored. Unfortunately, there is a human tendency to react with fear towards change. Fortunately, this is not a necessity, but a choice and we can just as easily (well perhaps with a little conscious awareness) choose Love. Here are steps to help us act more clearly with Love.

The Rest of Winter

The Rest of Winter

Winter is the time of rest and reflection.  The time for family and home.  The time of quiet.  While the days are getting longer and the Light getting stronger, we continue to be in this season of going within and resting.  With this time period, comes cold and flu season. We often view illness and dis-ease as a bad thing, something to avoid.  Which is understandable when we feel miserable.  I wonder if we could consider that illness has a role?  

Walking in Gratitude, Becoming Worthy

Walking in Gratitude, Becoming Worthy

As I walk the Sanctuary in gratitude during this time of year, I give even more emphasis towards the Ancestors of this Land. Today as I give my prayers of gratitude to them, I receive the message that one of the best ways in which we can honor the Ancestors of this Land and make amends for the horrors is to be good Stewards to the Land.  To become worthy of the gift of living here. 

Co-Creating with Nature to Heal Water

Co-Creating with Nature to Heal Water

The Nature Spirits of Heart Springs Sanctuary insistently highlighted an area of focus, which was counter to my desires. Over time, I realized that they were right, even when what they were asking for seemed as if it was far beyond my abilities. Through their guidance and some much needed human assistance, we completed the beginning of a large rain garden project who’s purpose is to transmute fear and anger into Love, slow the run-off from our neighbor’s field, and capture the soil and fertilizer before going into the creek.

Are We Listening: Three Guidelines for Communicating with All Species

Are We Listening: Three Guidelines for Communicating with All Species

I recently was asked how I cope among despair.  I think this is a great question and I often ask others this.  Since it seems that we are all faced with overwhelm and despair.  My answer is that I stop.  I go outside and spend time with Nature, particularly the Plants.  I look around.  I move around.  I taste, I smell, I touch, I breathe.  As my nervous system calms and my Heart rate slows, I feel a different overwhelm.  This overwhelm is from Beauty and awe.  While here, I listen.

I have been teaching Plant Communication for over ten years.  I have learned that helping people remember how to communicate with Plants is the easy part.  The difficult part is helping them to understand HOW to communicate in general.  In other words, we struggle to communicate well with one another, yet alone another species!  

I have discovered three guidelines for improving communication (with ALL species).

A Revolution of Love

A Revolution of Love

Have you ever really looked at a Flower, gazed in wonder at ki’s form or color or smell?  Or held a Seed in your hand while thinking of the eventual Plant that will come from this tiny Being?  

I do this often, which tends to result in tears of utter joy and amazement, as well as, an overwhelming sense of humility.  The humility helps to bring back into perspective my current issue, as I realize that whatever “huge mountain” I am dealing with is really minuscule and nothing in the face of the miracles of this world.  From this place, I can see that possibilities exist way beyond my imagination and that I am not alone.

From Foe to Friend

From Foe to Friend

What I do know is that assuming we know what is right and pulling the invaders without asking the Plants or the Land continues the domination paradigm.  This is why I feel that if we want to be good stewards and really stand in our role as part of Nature, it is imperative that we learn how to communicate with Nature.

Beings of Symbiosis

Beings of Symbiosis

I think the real question is “What is OUR reason for existence?”  Every aspect of Nature has a role, a purpose.  We have learned this the hard way, by removing unwanted Beings (like Wolves) and seeing how greatly this changed the wellbeing of an ecosystem.  Nature does not waste.  Since we are, whether we realize it or not, part of Nature, this means that we too are here for a reason. 

Ecuador Spirit Essence Set 2 Release and GIVE AWAY

In 2017, Jen returned to Ecuador for another amazing adventure in the Andes and Amazon. While there, she co-created this set of 16 Spirit Essences. These Spirit Essences can assist in accessing wisdom and guidance, clearing what is no longer in service, and helping you to embrace your power and gifts.  Many of these Plants are traditional Shamanic Plants of Ecuador and as such are great journeying Essences.

We are excited to unveil these Spirit Essences!!! Click here to read more about them. 

We love to share our Essences and we love to support your dreams. Therefore to celebrate, we are offering a Give Away of one complete set!!

There are several ways in which you can enter the drawing:

  • Purchase the complete Ecuador Spirit Essence Set 2 (20 entries)

  • Purchase a single Essence from this set (1 entry)

  • Share our Facebook post about the set and tell us what you are dreaming of (1 entry)

  • Comment on our Facebook post, telling us what you are dreaming of (1 entry)

  • Comment on our Instagram post saying what you are dreaming of (1 entry)

  • Comment on this blog post telling us what you are dreaming of (1 entry)

  • Email Jen at and tell her what you are dreaming about (1 entry)

Drawing ends at midnight EST on April 1, 2019 (Jen’s Birthday). One winner will be drawn randomly. Note- if you are the winner and already purchased the set, you will have the option of choosing another Brigid’s Way Spirit Essence Set.

Plus get 20% off the Ecuador Spirit Essence Set 2 from now until midnight EST April 15, 2019. Enter code ECUADOR2 at checkout.

Email with any questions.